Project Overview
The Rural Livelihoods’ Adaptation to Climate Change in the Horn of Africa (RLACC) – Kenya is a complement to the on Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP – Phase I), designed to support the additional dimensions of climate change resilience. The RLACC project cover two arid and semi-arid counties where the Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Horn of Africa (DRSLP) – Kenya project is being implemented: Baringo and Turkana. The project consists of three components: (i) Knowledge management and mainstreaming, (ii) Sustainable pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods and (iii) Program activities coordination, monitoring and evaluation. The project is being implemented over a period of 4 years (2016-2019).
The project is funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Government of Kenya (GOK). GEF support is in form of a grant of US$ 2,784,000 channelled through African Development Bank (AfDB) while the Government of Kenya support is US$ 58,938,000 under DRSLP 1.
The project’s main beneficiaries include agro-pastoral communities residing in semi-arid areas that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Project activities aim to address the various impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods, by financing adaptation measures and associated services based on both the traditional knowledge and know-how of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, and on improved sustainable technologies and practices. It is estimated that the proposed project wil directly benefit 44,000 beneficiaries over a period of 4 years. In addition to the direct benefits, there are intangible benefits related to environmental regeneration, capacity building and institutional support. Beneficiaries will participate through trainings, workshops, development of community-based plans, and improved livelihood practices. The use of cash for work mechanisms and other social transfer mechanisms will be explored during implementation, to further strengthen the income basis of resource-poor beneficiaries.