Economic and Social Benefits 2018-07-24T10:25:55+00:00

Economic and Social benefits

The project has contributed greatly to poverty reduction mainly as a result of enhanced incomes obtained from the increase in production and sale of crops and livestock and also from alternative livelihood sources supported by the project through IGAs. The major benefits have accrued from the project’s contribution to development of sustainable horticultural practices, improved food and nutrition security, and sustainable environmental management practices. The poor/vulnerable segments of the target population who often have limited access to resources have benefited by having access to pastoralists/farmers’ organizations and training opportunities.

The project has ensured environmental well being and sustainability through an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) developed. On gender inclusivity, the project has made a positive impact on the living conditions and incomes of female headed households and even female members of households. Through the income generating activities (IGAs), women and youth earn incomes. The incomes have economically empowered women to provide better home care (nutrition, education and health for the household) and improve their social status/position in the community. Their decision-making levels within the various infrastructure management committees have improved. Since all training are gender sensitive, farmers’ awareness of access to and control over resources has also increased.