Project Key Performance Indicators and Outcomes
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Area under irrigation rehabilitated and expanded by 1050 ha
- Number of water points increased by 83
- Number of livestock sale yards increased by 20
- Area under commercial pasture production increased by 600ha
- Number of hay sheds increased by 18
Expected Project Outcomes
Outcome 1: Increased water availability and accessibility in the ASALs
Outcome 2: Improved forage quality and increased availability in the ASALs
Outcome 3: Rural feeder roads rehabilitated to improve market access,
input delivery and access to animal health services in the ASALs
Outcome 4: A sustained well-developed human and institutional capacity in the ASALs
Outcome 5: Livestock off take increased by 3-6% for cattle and 13.5% for sheep and goats