Improvement of Livestock Infrastructure and Management 2022-08-05T08:52:07+00:00

Project components

 Component 2: Livestock infrastructure development:

Under this component the project is supporting communities to participate in management of pasture, livestock marketing and disease management. There are three sub-components namely Infrastructure for Market Access, Improved Rangeland Management, and Improved Livestock Health. Each sub-component has the following outputs;

Sub Component I: Infrastructure for Market Access

  • 20 livestock sale yards to be upgraded and equipped with disease surveillance facilities
  • 100 km of rural access roads to be constructed/rehabilitated

Sub Component II: Improved Rangeland Management

  • 18 hay sheds to be constructed
  • 17 commercial pasture demonstration plots totaling 600ha established

Sub Component III: Improved Livestock Health

  • 1 quarantine station constructed
  • 6 veterinary laboratories to be equipped with disease diagnostic equipment

Overall these outputs are expected to reduce livestock mortality rate from 10% to 3%, increase livestock off take by 3-6% for cattle and 13.5% for sheep and goats, thus increasing household income by 30%.